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20 Most Important Commission Test MCQS

commission test MCQS

20 Most Important Commission Test MCQS

 1.Who is the current President of Pakistan?

A. Arif Alvi👈

2.Who is the current Prime Minister of Pakistan?

A. Imran Khan👈

3.What is the capital of Pakistan?

A. Islamabad👈

4.What is the currency of Pakistan?

A. Pakistani Rupee (PKR)👈

5.What is the official language of Pakistan?

A. Urdu👈

6.What is the national bird of Pakistan?

A. Chakor👈

7.What is the national flower of Pakistan?

A. Jasmine👈

8.What is the national animal of Pakistan?

A. Markhor👈

9.What is the national fruit of Pakistan?

A. Mango

10.What is the name of Pakistan's highest mountain peak?

A. K2 (Godwin Austen)

11.Who is the founder of Pakistan?

A. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

12.What is the name of the Pakistani national anthem?

A. Qaumi Tarana

13.What is the name of the Pakistani national flag?

A. Pak Sarzamin

14.What is the name of the Pakistani national emblem?

A. Minar-e-Pakistan

15.What is the name of the Pakistani national song?

A. Pakistan Zindabad

16.What is the name of the Pakistani national dress?

A. Shalwar Kameez

17.What is the name of the Pakistani national sport?

A. Field Hockey

18.What is the name of the Pakistani national river?

A. Indus River

19.What is the name of the Pakistani national mountain range?

A. Himalayas

20.What is the name of the Pakistani national desert?

A. Thar Desert.

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