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Treatment of acne scars and acne and necessary measures


Treatment of acne scars and acne and necessary measures
Treatment of acne scars and acne and necessary measures

Treatment of acne scars and acne and necessary measures

The treatment of acne depends on the type of acne. What are the types of acne on the skin, mild, moderate or severe? They are treated according to the type of acne. It is also possible that your doctor will sometimes start combining different types of treatment to get better results and reduce the resistance of the bacteria to the drug.

Treatment may include creams, gels or lotions that are applied to the pimples or sometimes to the entire skin, usually in the form of pimples on the chest and back. Are gone

Mild Acne:

The following methods are used to treat acne [including whiteheads, blackheads and pimples].

* Wash your face thoroughly with lukewarm water and a mild soap, the effect of which is not very strong.

* Apply benzoyl oxide [generic name] on the face.

* Apply salicylic acid [generic name] on the face.

Generic drugs are available in the market under different brand names of different companies and can be easily obtained from any good medical store. If these medications do not work, you should contact your doctor. After examining your acne, your doctor will prescribe a lotion or cream accordingly. Patients can also use an antibiotic lotion according to their symptoms or a lotion that can be used to open the pores of the face and help treat acne.

Moderate to severe acne:

Sometimes the nature of acne is such that it requires the use of sharp medicines and various therapies to treat it. Deep abscesses, such as nail and root rashes, often leave scars. Biotic drugs are recommended so that the wound healing process can begin as soon as possible. This type of acne is treated with a combination of different therapies. The following procedures can be used in this type of treatment.

* Oxide is applied to each benzoyl in the area of   acne

* Deep abscesses and cyst material are extracted

· Physician-prescribed antibiotic gels, creams and lotions are used

کھانے Food prescription drugs are used

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