Irrelevant and long talk is a sign of mental illness in American psychologists
Irrelevant and long talk is a sign of mental illness in American psychologists |
Psychiatrists at Massachusetts General Hospital in the United States say long and incoherent speech is an early sign of mental illnesses such as Alzheimer's and dementia. Presented at the annual meeting of the AAAS, according to which some of the most important manifestations of diseases affecting the brain begin to appear about ten years ago, in view of which more attention can be paid to such people.
There is currently no formal treatment for mental illness in conventional psychiatry, and medications given in this regard do slow down the progression of the disease as much as possible, but they are by no means considered a cure for such diseases. ۔
A study led by Janet Sherman of Massachusetts General Hospital involved 24 mentally healthy and young people and 22 people who were middle-aged and suffering from a condition called MCI. They were also on the verge of mental illness. Examination of their speech style and word usage revealed that healthy people avoid using the same words over and over again while talking. Also not unnecessarily long. On the other hand, people with MCI had longer conversations while using the same words over and over again, which showed that they were forgetting the words. Sherman clarified that his study was not about people who Have a talkative temperament and usually have long conversations. In contrast, their study found that people around them should be wary if the words of ordinary speakers become long and incoherent and they use the same words over and over again. In addition, such people tend to have less ability to understand complex things and perform complex tasks than others.
Other early symptoms of mental illness include confusion about time and place, difficulty with routine tasks, lack of judgment, personality or behavior changes, forgetfulness, difficulty using imagination, memory loss and everyday Its effects on work are most noticeable. Although these people may not be considered mentally ill at this stage, experts warn that within the next ten years, those with such symptoms may be of a serious nature. Mental illness can range from Alzheimer's to dementia